Änderungen von Dokument Makerspace Bonn Wiki
Zuletzt geändert von xwikiadmin am 2024/12/21 07:02
Von Version 3.1
bearbeitet von xwikiadmin
am 2021/01/01 01:29
am 2021/01/01 01:29
Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version
Auf Version 1.34
bearbeitet von xwikiadmin
am 2020/07/08 09:25
am 2020/07/08 09:25
allow view Zugriffsrechte für XWiki.XWikiGuest
Seiteneigenschaften (3 geändert, 0 hinzugefügt, 0 gelöscht)
- Seiteneigenschaften
- Titel
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - Makerspace Bonn Wiki1 +Home - Standardsprache
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - de_DE1 +en - Inhalt
... ... @@ -7,40 +7,50 @@ 7 7 ## The workaround is to make sure the submitted content (the macro markers) don't match the preview HTML. 8 8 ## See XWIKI-14818: Preview triggers ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR in Chrome 9 9 #set ($iframe = 'iframe') 10 -<$iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ MKBFCPtc1Wc" title="YouTube video of XWiki" role="presentation" allowfullscreen></$iframe>10 +<$iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9QTWrZ7OfzI" title="YouTube video of XWiki" role="presentation" allowfullscreen></$iframe> 11 11 {{/html}} 12 12 {{/velocity}} 13 13 {{/box}} 14 14 15 -= W illkommenimMakerspaceBonn=15 += Welcome to your wiki = 16 16 17 -Wi r sindeine**offeneWerkstatt**undda füralle,dieetwas“machen” wollen,nachdem Motto **Hilfezur Selbsthilfe**.Wennwirgeöffnet habenkönnen allezu unskommen undanihrenProjekt arbeiten.17 +XWiki is the best tool to organize your knowledge. A //wiki// is organized in a hierarchy of //pages//. You can create multiple wikis, each with its own set of pages. 18 18 19 -W ennihrHilfe braucht dannunterstützenwirgern.19 +XWiki can be used as a knowledge base (support, documentation, sales, etc.), for collaborative workspaces or even as a complete intranet. 20 20 21 - Umunser Wissen zu teilenhabenwir dieses Wiki erstellt.Es ist ein Werkzeug, um unser Wissen zu organisieren und zu verwalten.21 += The basics = 22 22 23 - DasMakerspaceBonn WIKI enthält öffentlichzugängliche und geschützteInhalte.Diegeschützten Inhalte sind nurfür Mitgliederdes Makerspace Bonn bzw für TeilnehmeranWorkshops undKursen einsehbar.23 +To make the most out of your wiki, log-in and: 24 24 25 - =UnsereThemen:=25 +Use the {{velocity}}$services.icon.render('pencil'){{/velocity}} button above to //edit// this page and start customizing your wiki to your needs. 26 26 27 -* [[3D-Druck>>doc:.3D-Druck.WebHome]] 28 -* [[Arduino>>doc:.Arduino.WebHome]] 29 -* [[Nähen>>doc:.Nähen.WebHome]] 27 +Use the {{velocity}}$services.icon.render('add'){{/velocity}} button above to //add// more pages to your wiki and create the //hierarchy// that best organizes your content. 30 30 31 -(% class="row" %) 29 +Use the {{velocity}}$services.icon.render('home'){{/velocity}} breadcrumbs located above the title to //navigate// inside your pages. It's easy to get lost in a big wiki without them. 30 + 31 +You can also use the [[Sandbox>>Sandbox.WebHome]] for more demo content and generally a place to experiment with your wiki's features. 32 + 33 + {{box}} 34 +Learn more on how to use XWiki with the {{velocity}}[[Getting Started Guide>>http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/GettingStarted/WebHome?version=$xwiki.version]]{{/velocity}}. 35 +{{/box}} 36 + 37 +(%class="row"%) 32 32 ((( 33 -(% 39 +(%class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"%) 34 34 ((( 35 -= Mitmachen =41 += Extend your wiki = 36 36 37 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. sda 43 +To extend the power and functionalities of your wiki with the features that //you// need, head over to the {{velocity}}[[Extension Manager>>path:$xwiki.getURL($services.model.createDocumentReference('wiki', 'XWiki', 'XWikiPreferences'), 'admin', 'editor=globaladmin§ion=XWiki.Extensions')]]{{/velocity}} where you can search for and install extensions. 44 + 45 +To browse through the 900+ community contributed extensions available for XWiki, head over to the [[Extensions Repository>>http://extensions.xwiki.org]]. 38 38 ))) 39 39 40 -(% 48 +(%class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"%) 41 41 ((( 42 -= Kurseund Workshops=50 += Create your application = 43 43 44 -Der Makerspace Bonn veranstaltet ein Vielzahl von Kursen und Workshops. 52 +Go beyond the available extensions and define the //structure// of your data based on //your// needs, creating //your// own applications with [[App Within Minutes>>AppWithinMinutes]] (AWM). 53 + 54 +AWM will take care of making it easy for you and your users to create and manage the data. 45 45 ))) 46 46 )))